Life in Nature

Natural Law

Natural Law Definition

by on May.28, 2014, under Natural Law

You may ask, why do I need to bother understanding Natural Law? Because with this knowledge you can discover through its understanding that our co-created human condition can drastically be changed for better or worse. Used in a positive sense, this knowledge will empower individuals and allow them to align themselves with it to contribute to the uplift of humanity, improve the human condition and ultimately END all forms of SLAVERY.

So to begin let’s define definition.

  • A definition is a statement of the exact meaning of the word.
  • It is an exact statement or description of the nature, scope or meaning of something.
  • For audio and visual equipment it is the degree of distictness or clarity of an object, image or sound. Why do people buy HD televisions? They want Higher Definition or Higher Clarity of the picture.

The more accurate our DEFINITION for words or concepts are, the better our clarity of meaning and therefore our UNDERSTANDING of those words or concepts will be.


So what does NATURAL mean?


If it is natural, it was not made by humankind.

The origin of the word NTR in egyptian, means “spirit” and AL means “of all related to”. So together it means “Of all related to spirit“, it is all of nature – the spiritual domain.

Law means an existing condition which is both binding and immuatable. Existing means it is present, it cannot be just ignored and expect that it doesn’t make it true and it’s not going to have a effect. Binding means it has an effect and it doesn’t matter if you believe it doesn’t have an effect, it doesn’t care. The Laws of the Universe does not care about you, laws have been created in this realm to work flawlessly 100% of the time.

If a child wonders off a cliff, will gravity allow her to go off the edge? Yes – It doesn’t care that the child does not understand laws of gravity.


The creator of the universe set these laws into motion, put them into effect and they bind you. You and I are bound by these laws whether we like it or not, whether we accept it or not, whether we understand it or not. They’re in effect and you are already creating the reality we are experiencing based upon the interaction of these unseen laws.

This is not a religion, it is a science that constitutes knowledge on how laws that are existant, in operation and immuable in the universal work. and we are creating what we experience in conjuction with these operating laws.




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Freedom through understanding the consequence of Human Behaviour

by on May.23, 2014, under Natural Law

This first post and blog is dedicated to Mark Passio from What On Earth Is Happening, his Natural Law seminar really opened my eyes and pointed me in to right direction to understand what needs to be done to achieve true freedom for myself and eventually Humanity on Earth.

To do The Great Work, first you need CARE.

If you care enough to make a difference please watch his Natural Law seminar in FULL.

It teaches the law which govern the consequences of human behavior through the understanding of human psychology, systems of control, occult (hidden) knowledge and more.

The key to breaking free from your Head Cage is right here!

Mark Passio – Natural Law Seminar Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

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